A Little About Me
I decided to become a therapist while riding through life’s ups and downs with my husband and our four children. I realized that the connections we have with others are the most demanding and the most joyful parts of our lives. Everyone is living an amazing adventure and working very hard at it! I feel honored when clients choose to share it with me.
My Hobbies
My very favorite things are my family, hiking, chocolate, and Harry Potter; pretty much in that order. My kids are a constant source of hilarious antics which I get to enjoy with my very patient husband. Hiking brings me a sense of peace and awe while keeping me firmly grounded- regardless of my circumstances. Harry Potter relates to many life’s lessons in the most entertaining and enchanting way. (For reference- I am in Hufflepuff house). And chocolate just is. While I have not yet successfully combined all four hobbies into one experience, I believe this is something that can be achieved in the near future.
I earned my Bachelor in Psychology from American Military University in 2015 and my Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy from Seattle Pacific University in 2019. My education emphasized Solution Focused Therapy as I interned at Nexus Youth and Families in Auburn. Prior to completing my education, I spent several years volunteering in girls’ youth ministry and as a Cub Scout den leader. I also worked as a paraeducator in the Snoqualmie Valley School District supporting students with behavior challenges on the school playground. In these contexts, as well as in my own family, I have often worked with youth on the Autism Spectrum and with ADHD. I have a great love for the experiences and perspectives that are unique to them.